Friday, March 23, 2012

Update on my progress

Dearest Friends,
I am sorry it has take so long to get back to my posts here to keep those of you that are interested in my progress up to date.

First, Lois and I took a trip to Southern California (we left on Valentine's Day) and we returned Monday of this week. It was a long and well deserved trip except for the return portion because I suffered from side affects of the medication that was prescribed for me.

On the way south we stopped in Tehachapi for two nights to visit my father and then we traveled on to Studio City to visit with Stephen. On Monday we traveled to Nannette's home to visit with her and then from there to Cerritos to visit with the old staff. On the way the first thing we did was to go to lunch with Gary McHatton, but first we had a conversation at his home with George Dominguez. The Hawaiian Staff is almost entirely in contact with each other and there were about 1/3 of the Wittmann staff there on Thursday. The timing turned out great for all reunions.
From Cerritos we traveled to Indio for a one night stay and then on to Phoenix for the convention there. After Phoenix we traveled to TX, stopping once along the way and then on to Austin to visit a cousin before driving the next day down to Houston to spend some time with Sr. Elinore Nichols. She was so kind to us and allowed us to spend two weeks there while visiting the Burzynski Clinic. While there we took one weekend and traveled to Gulf Port to attend the convention there.

Upon returning we learned that we could finish on Wednesday with treatments and then return home to Oregon, which we did. We drove to Dallas to spend an evening with John Slavich and then to Albuquerque to visit the Thomassens and the Wesols. The new baby was a darling to behold. From there we drove all day to Tehachapi to spend some time with my Dad and to visit with Stephen. We left on Sunday morning and arrived back here in Portland on Monday afternoon.

That is the quick "gist" of the trip. After arriving back in Portland I became aware that there is not much likelihood of finding an oncologist not affiliated with the Knight Institute of Cancer at OHSU. Besides, I'm not sure I want to at this point. I am still suffering from the side affects of the medication and I do not want to go through any of that again.

I will continue treatment with OHSU (the "standard" of care kind) and take what I can take from the experience. I have brain cancer. I have nothing else wrong with me. Hopefully I will live for two more years. Perhaps even longer!
I looked on Facebook today and saw that Steve Thompson died. He won't be at the reunion. God bless you Steve. Don't know who else will be there, but we will see. I think I'll make special efforts to fly to Los Angeles from LAX-Newark-LAX and see what happens.

Friends, I am in pretty bad shape right now. I should get much better soon - once the rash wears away from my face. Until then, I am too embarrassed to show myself in public. Perhaps in a couple of weeks.

That is all for now.
God bless and good luck to you all.
by grace,

Ps 1:1-3 NIV
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.

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