Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chemo and Radiation Update

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I started radiation treatments on Thursday and chemo the night before. So far all is going OK. I have a "hint" of nausea in the night about the time I need to take a sleeping pill to get through the night. I take the pill and I'm off to dream land again.

I did feel a little tired yesterday, but I also got up at 4:00 a.m., so that was probably a factor. I had an hour nap after lunch and made it until bedtime just fine. Hopefully things will continue to go great like this, but who knows.

I was talking with Carolyn Fiorillo's daughter, Melanie, yesterday about Dr. Burzynski's clinic in Houston, TX. She is sold on it and sent me links to his movie again. I did take the time to see it and I am impressed. I think I will look into the possibility of treatment there as soon as the radiation and chemo are over. Perhaps it will be worth the expense. I just need to be careful.

Certainly his "cure rate" mentioned in the movie exceeds the chemo and radiation rates of others. I think it has potential.

The man is getting old and hopefully he has a system in place that is impeccable. It would be great for his system to actually "beat the system." I certainly appears to have the hallmarks to accomplish that.

I will also be talking with my Naturopathic doctor on Wednesday and ask her what she knows about Burzynski. Surely she knows something, so it will be interesting to see what she has to say.

In the meantime, for those wishing to see the movie, you can access it at the following address:

Copy and paste the above into you browser and it should take you to the movie. There is also a version available on Netflix.

by grace,

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